Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:00 am
We believe that each person is a child of God, and we invite and welcome into our community persons of every gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, mental and physical ability, age, race, ethnicity, economic and social background, marital status, and family structure.
Our faith leads us to welcome all who wish to share their God-given gifts to participate fully in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, and blessings of our congregation.
As an open and affirming congregation and followers of Jesus, Parkview United Church of Christ relies on and is inspired by God's love that is beyond all human understanding as we continue to strive for justice, acceptance, inclusivity, and love in our congregation and in the world.
Our faith leads us to welcome all who wish to share their God-given gifts to participate fully in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, and blessings of our congregation.
As an open and affirming congregation and followers of Jesus, Parkview United Church of Christ relies on and is inspired by God's love that is beyond all human understanding as we continue to strive for justice, acceptance, inclusivity, and love in our congregation and in the world.
INCLUSIVEBelieving that the diversity of human creation is a gift from God, we work to create a community and a world where every being is valued and offered both justice and compassion.
INSPIREDWe come together to be inspired to go out into the world to make a difference. We seek to be a congregation that provides worship and programs that encourage spiritual growth and nurture individuals in their lifelong journeys of faith.
INVOLVEDWe believe that as followers of Jesus we are called to act in service to our broken world. To believe is to care; to care is to do.